
People at work

Pilots are four hubs of #CultureLabs, a sort of testing processes in real-life conditions of the applicability of the project’s innovative participatory approaches and overall infrastructure.

Four pilots will focus on main challenges regarding Cultural Heritage and the involvement of new audiences. Best practices will be shared and ingredients will be collected, checking conditions and operative details.

Museums, immigrants and local communities will cook together the recipes, #CultureLabs will make them taste on a full scale.

Pilot in Helsinki – Finland

Zoom In On Heritage

A creative way to use Museovirasto’s photographs collections, through which immigrant groups will familiarise with Finnish culture and history, and spread knowledge about their country of origin.

Pilot in Manchester – UK

More in Common

What has been the impact of Brexit on immigrant communities in the UK? A work with local migrant and non-migrant communities to explore how we have “more in common”.

Pilot in Ancona – Italy

Bridging Culture Through Arts

Theatre, cultural tours, cooking labs, music performances, artistic competitions and much more will represent the core of the activities for involving refugees and asylum seekers and ethnic minorities.

Pilot in Pisa –

So distant, Incredibly Close

Cultural exchanges and participatory activities to involve immigrants from different ethnic backgrounds throughout the artistic and scientific collections of the University Museum System of Pisa.