CultureLabs proposes an innovative approach and an ICT-empowered infrastructure to facilitate the organisation and the deployment of participatory projects through the provision of specialised digital toolkits that offer stakeholder-appropriate ingredients and recipes. The identification of different resources (the “ingredients”) can be combined in various ways to form a “recipe” to carry out a tailor-made participatory engagement modality to address the needs of specific target audiences.
Nowadays, Cultural Heritage is as an essential instrument for social cohesion, and wellbeing is being embraced by an increasing number of Cultural Institutions who seek to address the needs of community members and engage them through participatory initiatives so as to strengthen the relationship between cultural institutions and local communities.
Actually, CultureLabs will involve immigrants communities and various disadvantages groups that are solely distant from the exploitation of the Cultural Heritage. At the same time, CultureLabs investigates the use of digital services and tools that can offer to target audiences novel experiences for interaction with Cultural heritage as well as stimulating creative reuse, enrichment and co-creation.
Guidelines, methodologies, past community engagement projects, tool for interacting with Cultural Heritage will be offered to different stakeholders to bridge a gap of know-how of organising social inclusive approaches in a structured way and maintaining them in the long run.
Goal 1
CultureLabs aims to contribute to social innovation and inclusion, enabling people and stakeholders to better support the European and local social integration process: community members can access and reuse the cultural content provided by Cultural Institutions, learn from it, share and co-create their own cultural content, and contribute to shaping the cultural landscape of their city, region, country.
In this way CultureLabs will enable and improve dialogue and communication between Cultural Institutions on one side and community members on the other.
Goal 2
Identify and analyse the needs of Cultural Institutions and other stakeholders and perform a comprehensive comparative review of ongoing participatory and collaborative approaches to involve community members, and especially those most disconnected from dominant CH.
The communities of immigrants in their various subgroups will represent a prominent target.
Goal 3
Collect and make available through an open digital platform and searchable infrastructure a set of resources that can prove useful for the development and adoption of participatory approaches in the field of Cultural Heritage: such as methodologies, best practices, studies, digital and analogical tools, physical facilities, CH content, possible collaborators, and other helpful information.
People at Work
Our Values
Participatory approaches initiatives and the sharing of local and European culture are two means that can improve and support social inclusion policies.
People and communities that are solely distant from Cultural Heritage will be involved in several interesting activities.
Overcoming barriers, also through the use of digital technology, represents a further added value of CultureLabs and its collaborators.
Our Special Team
9 partners, 6 countries, 1 objective!
Diversifying and integrating skills and the quality of experiences is the strength of our team!
The variety and richness of the participants’ backgrounds and experiences, as well as their active commitment and willingness to contribute to the common good in a collaborative way, are decisive ingredients in CultureLabs project.
Our Story

CULTURELABS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770158. The sole responsibility for the content published on this website lies with the authors. The EU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.