Pilot in Ancona – Italy

Bridging Culture Through Arts

The pilot will be addressed mainly to refugees/asylum seekers and ethnic minorities experiencing more difficulties in getting socially involved. The objective is to facilitate their integration through highly participative initiatives, promote a better understanding of the culture and traditions of the host country, and at the same time spread awareness the cultural heritage of their source countries. The low level of language proficiency of these target groups will be an important need to consider in proposing appropriate activities. Museo Omero of Ancona, the Pirata Educational Theatre, and the Municipalities of Ancona and Jesi (Departments of Cultural heritage) will be collaborators in the pilot, and guarantee the use of museum facilities and support of new shows and performances organised in the course of the pilot.

A combination of methods and activities will be explored, such as theatre labs with forum theatre and role playing activities, cultural tours of the city and the museums, labs of daily practice activities, such as cooking, shopping etc to improve language skills, artistic expression through painting and murals competitions, music performances, etc.

What’s happening in Ancona

Explore more Pilots

Link to: Pilot in Finland

Pilot in Manchester – UK

More in Common

What has been the impact of Brexit on immigrant communities in the UK? A work with local migrant and non-migrant communities to explore how we have “more in common”.

Pilot in Ancona – Italy

Bridging Culture Through Arts

Theatre, cultural tours, cooking labs, music performances, artistic competitions and much more will represent the core of the activities for involving refugees and asylum seekers and ethnic minorities.

Pilot in Pisa
– Italy

So Distant, Incredibly Close

Cultural exchanges and participatory activities to involve immigrants from different ethnic backgrounds throughout the artistic and scientific collections of the University Museum System of Pisa.